6 research outputs found

    Using Machine Learning on Sensor Data

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    Extracting useful information from raw sensor data requires specific methods and algorithms. We describe a vertical system integration of a sensor node and a toolkit of machine learning algorithms for predicting the number of persons located in a closed space. The dataset used as input for the learning algorithms is composed of automatically collected sensor data and additional manually introduced data. We analyze the dataset and evaluate the performance of two types ofmachine learning algorithms on this dataset: classification and regression. With our system settings, the experiments show that augmenting sensor data with proper information can improve prediction results and also the classification algorithm performed better

    Influence of HAZ heat treatment on impact toughness on steel P91

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    V magistrski nalogi smo analizirali vpliv toplotne obdelave TVP na udarno žilavost. Obravnavali smo temperaturi 760°C in 780°C, ter različne čase toplotne obdelave. Simulirali smo različna področja TVP, ki se pojavijo pri varjenju. Preizkušance smo ustrezno toplotno obdelali ter jih nato preizkusili z instrumentiranim Charpy preizkusom. Pri tem smo dobili podatke o udarni žilavosti materiala. Podatke smo med sabo primerjali in ugotavljali najbolj primerno temperaturo in čas toplotne obdelave, pri kateri dosežemo ustrezno udarno žilavost materiala. Pokazalo se je, da že majhna sprememba temperature pomembno vpliva na čas toplotne obdelave.In the thesis, we analyze the influence of heat treatment TVP on the impact toughness. We have considered the temperature of 760°C and 780°C, as well as various times of heat treatment. We simulated the different areas of TVP that occur during welding. The samples were properly heat treated and then tested with an instrumented Charpy test. We get information of the impact toughness of the material. Data were compared and identify the most suitable temperature and time for heat treatment in which to achieve adequate impact toughness of the material. It has been shown that even a small change of temperature has a significant influence on the time of heat treatment


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    Projektna naloga obravnava organizacijo gradbišča pri gradnji vrtca v Rogozi. V prvem delu je predstavljena zgradba in oblika objekta, nato je proučena dokumentacija o lokaciji objekta, gradbena pogodba, projektna dokumentacija za izvedbo projekta, možnosti nabave surovin in materiala, razpoložljiva delovna sredstva in delovna sila, ter organizacijske možnosti na lokaciji bodočega gradbišča. V jedru projektne naloge je predstavljeno tehnično poročilo organizacije ureditve gradbišča, v katerem je opisano gradbišče, komunalna ureditev gradbišča, določena je delovna sila, začasni objekti, deponije in delovna sredstva. Naloga se konča s prikazom situacije organizacije ureditve gradbišča.The project work is based on the project for building a kindergarten in Rogoza. The first part presents the structure and form of the object and then examines the documentation of the location, construction contract, project documentation, the possibility of purchasing raw materials, available labor resources and manpower and organizational options at the future construction site. At the core of the project work is presented a technical report on the organization of arrangements at the construction site, including the description of the construction site and present municipal connections, then the manpower, machinery and equipment are defined, and the location of temporary facilities and dumping areas are determined. The task will ends with a presentation of the situation at the construction site

    A New Method for Evaluation of Positioning Accuracy in the Semantic Space

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